To reduce the amount of return bloom in biennial bearing apple varieties.

Harvest management tool for red color enhancement in bi-color apples

To control pre-harvest drop of apples and pears.

Highly concentrated, next-generation 6-ba formulation for post-bloom thinning in apples and pears

For improved crop quality in a wide variety
of fruit and vegetable crops

The first low VOC liquid GA3 formulation approved by California DPR

For improved crop quality in a wide variety
of fruit and vegetable crops

Plant growth stimulant for use on field crops, vegetable crops, small fruit, vine, tree fruit, sod, turf, shrubs, flowering plants and ornamentals.


Now federally registered for tree canopy management in apples and sweet cherries, and for shortening internode length in grass grown for seed and peanut plants.

Plant growth regulator for use on grass grown for seed and peanuts.

For earlier coloration and maturity In a variety of high-value crops

For improved fruit finish and sizing in apples and cherries

For improved fruit set, typiness and fruit finish in apples

For excellent fruit thinning and stop drop in apples and pears, plus promotion of return bloom in apples

For improved fruit size, quality and yield in blueberries, cherries, grapes and pears